Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DIY :: How to Make a Bunting

I am sure you have seen buntings all over the blog space and often, they are made out of fabric. For my friend's wedding, I decided to use scrapbook paper (which I printed off my laser printer). Okay, so it doesn't have the same fluttering effect but these were gonna be used indoors along the pew aisle and would not be fluttering anyway.

This DIY is super easy.

- patterned paper (printed or purchased)
- ribbon
- hot glue gun

1. Cut the paper into triangles. I measured and drew lines in pencil on the back of the paper and roped loads of helpers to help with this step.
2. Lay out the patterned paper in stacks in a line 
3. Apply hot glue to the top of the triangle and press the ribbon on to the edge. 
4. Continue with the next triangle until you have none left!

I found working with paper to be much easier than with fabric and cheaper too. 

Try it and let me know how it goes!